11 months ago
Team Building & Teamwork
Untill I am able to upload powerpoints on this blog. Here is the text from one of the powerpoints I created on teamwork. I am still figuring out how to upload them to a blog but till then, hope these are useful.
Some Quotes
Coming together is a Beginning. Keeping together is a Progress.
Working together is a Success.
Teamwork divides the task and double the Success.
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.
There is no I in Teamwork.
"It's possible to achieve almost anything as long as you are not worried about who gets the credit."
– Harry S. Truman
10 Commandments for an Enthusiastic Team
1.Help each other be right – not wrong.
2.Look for ways to make ideas work – not for reason they will not.
3. If doubt – check it out. Don’t make negative assumptions about each other.
4. Help each other win and take pride in each other’s victories.
5. Speak positively about each other and about the organization at every opportunity.
6. Maintain a positive attitude no matter what the circumstances.
7. Act with initiative and courage as if it all depends on you.
8. Do every thing with enthusiasm – it’s contagious.
9. Whatever you want – give it away.
10. Don’t lose faith – never give up.
T.E.A.M Together Everyone Achieves More
Do you know what’s the name of this Bird ?
Fact – 1. As each goose flaps it’s wings it creates an uplift for the birds that follows. By flying V formation, the whole flock adds 71% greater flying range than if each bird flew alone.a)Common direction, sense of community can get where they are going quicker and easier when they are traveling on the thrust of one another.
Fact – 2. When Goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of flying alone. It quickly moves back in to formation to take advantage of the lifting power of the bird in front of it.
b)We are willing to accept others help and give out help to others.
Fact – 3. When the lead Goose tires it rotates back in to the formation and another Goose flies to the point position.
c) It pays to take turns doing the hard tasks and sharing leadership. People are interdependent on each other’s skills, capabilities, and unique arrangements of gifts, talents or resources.
Fact – 4. Geese flying in formation honk to encourage those up front to keep up their speed.
d) In groups where there is encouragement the production is much greater.
Fact – 5. When a Goose gets sick, wounded or shot down, two Geese drop out of formation and follow it down to help. They stay with it until it dies or is able to fly again. Then they launch out with another formation are catch up with the flock.
e) If we have much sense as Geese, we will stand by each other in difficult times as well as when we are strong.
An Open Area – Information about me that is known by me and others.
A Blind Area – Information about me that is known by others not me.
A Hidden Area – Information about me that is known to me but not to any one else in the Team.
An Unknown – Information about me that is unknown to me and the rest of the Team.
We are most productive when we work with others in the Open Area. Misunderstanding are least likely to occur here because communication is clearest.
Fortunately the size of the open area can be increased.
Disclosure expands the Open Area in to the Hidden Area.
Feed back expands the Open Area in to the Blind Area.
Self discovery expands the Open Area in to the Unknown Area.
Always Remember this
Smooth roads never makes good drivers. Smooth seas never make good sailors. Clear skies never make a good pilots. A problem free life never makes a strong and good person. Have a tough but winning day ahead. Be strong enough to accept the challenges of life. Do not ask life, Why Me? Instead say Try Me.
Some Quotes
Coming together is a Beginning. Keeping together is a Progress.
Working together is a Success.
Teamwork divides the task and double the Success.
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.
There is no I in Teamwork.
"It's possible to achieve almost anything as long as you are not worried about who gets the credit."
– Harry S. Truman
10 Commandments for an Enthusiastic Team
1.Help each other be right – not wrong.
2.Look for ways to make ideas work – not for reason they will not.
3. If doubt – check it out. Don’t make negative assumptions about each other.
4. Help each other win and take pride in each other’s victories.
5. Speak positively about each other and about the organization at every opportunity.
6. Maintain a positive attitude no matter what the circumstances.
7. Act with initiative and courage as if it all depends on you.
8. Do every thing with enthusiasm – it’s contagious.
9. Whatever you want – give it away.
10. Don’t lose faith – never give up.
T.E.A.M Together Everyone Achieves More
Do you know what’s the name of this Bird ?
Fact – 1. As each goose flaps it’s wings it creates an uplift for the birds that follows. By flying V formation, the whole flock adds 71% greater flying range than if each bird flew alone.a)Common direction, sense of community can get where they are going quicker and easier when they are traveling on the thrust of one another.
Fact – 2. When Goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of flying alone. It quickly moves back in to formation to take advantage of the lifting power of the bird in front of it.
b)We are willing to accept others help and give out help to others.
Fact – 3. When the lead Goose tires it rotates back in to the formation and another Goose flies to the point position.
c) It pays to take turns doing the hard tasks and sharing leadership. People are interdependent on each other’s skills, capabilities, and unique arrangements of gifts, talents or resources.
Fact – 4. Geese flying in formation honk to encourage those up front to keep up their speed.
d) In groups where there is encouragement the production is much greater.
Fact – 5. When a Goose gets sick, wounded or shot down, two Geese drop out of formation and follow it down to help. They stay with it until it dies or is able to fly again. Then they launch out with another formation are catch up with the flock.
e) If we have much sense as Geese, we will stand by each other in difficult times as well as when we are strong.
How to improve the Teamwork
An Open Area – Information about me that is known by me and others.
A Blind Area – Information about me that is known by others not me.
A Hidden Area – Information about me that is known to me but not to any one else in the Team.
An Unknown – Information about me that is unknown to me and the rest of the Team.
We are most productive when we work with others in the Open Area. Misunderstanding are least likely to occur here because communication is clearest.
Fortunately the size of the open area can be increased.
Disclosure expands the Open Area in to the Hidden Area.
Feed back expands the Open Area in to the Blind Area.
Self discovery expands the Open Area in to the Unknown Area.
Always Remember this
Smooth roads never makes good drivers. Smooth seas never make good sailors. Clear skies never make a good pilots. A problem free life never makes a strong and good person. Have a tough but winning day ahead. Be strong enough to accept the challenges of life. Do not ask life, Why Me? Instead say Try Me.
The 9 Major Causes of Failure in Leadership
Not all of us are natural born leaders. Most of us are moving into leadership roles from a followers role. So we have to work at it very hard in order to be great at it. However, some of us will stumble along the way. For those of you that will stumble. You will battle the mistakes that come along with being a leader. There are 9 mistakes you must avoid in order to be the best leader you can be.
Inability to organize details
The first mistake is the inability to organize details. This is one of the most common mistake a leader can make. You must be very organized as a leader. Organization will allow you to schedule events and foresee possible problems. Also a leader that is too busy is not a true leader. A leader should never be to busy to help others.
Unwillingness to render humble services
Some leaders think and feel they are better then the people that follow them. They feel since they have moved into a leadership role that some tasks are below them. That there are some tasks they shouldn't have to perform anymore. A true leader will lead by example. They are not afraid to role up their sleeves and offer some elbow grease. When a situation gets tough and no one want to perform it. This is when a lead should take the reins and show their follows that no one is above the law. They are there to help them get through it. Whether by manual labor or mental brainstorming.
Expectation of pay for what they know
Avoiding this mistake will make the difference whether your business succeeds or fails. Leaders that feel they should get paid for what they know, instead of what they do are destined to fail. The world may start off paying you for what you know. However after the beginning if you don't perform that pay will be cut. In network marketing the great leaders get paid a lot of money for what they do. You have to take action in order to have longevity in that industry. Otherwise you will never make it off the ground.
Fear of competition from followers
The fastest way to grow your network marketing business is to help others achieve their goals. When you help others make a check, your check will get bigger. Ii is easier to have 100 people doing 30% of the work. Then it is for you to do 100% by yourself. So if you're always worried that one of your followers will by pass you in rank or pay. You will never achieve your goals.
Lack of Imagination
An imagination is crucial to entrepreneurs especially leaders. Without this trait, leaders will not be able to effectively handle emergencies as they pop up. They will also lack the creative planning to efficiently guide there followers.
There is no greater feeling then being noticed and honored for the hard work you have done. One of the quickest ways to create distrust and discernment in your followers is to except all of the praise. Whether you deserve it or not. Great leaders will always give the credit to his followers. Whether it was because of him or not. Always giving the credit to your followers will strengthen the trust and subconsciously make then want to work harder for you.
Every leader will have chinks in their armor at some period in their leadership. However one chink you want to straighten out quickly would be disloyalty. A disloyal leader will create distrust issues amongst the team. Disloyal leader rarely create longevity, let alone wealth.
Emphasis of the authority of leadership
A great leader will lead with encouragement, not with fear. As a leader you never want to use your authority to impress your followers. A leader that leads with fear and impressing flare is leading by force. Throughout history such dictators like Hitler, Napoleon, and Stalin led by force. We all know want happen to them! Real leaders need not advertise there authority. They lead through their conduct of understanding, fairness, and know how.
Emphasis of title
Real leaders don't need a title to feel empowered and respected by others. Titles have a tendency to separate people by stator. A leader should always be accessible to anyone at anytime. Great leaders always have an open door policy and they check their ego's at the door. Leaders that emphasis their title have nothing else to show for.
So these are the 9 ways you can fail at leadership. You only need to be bad at one to invoke failure. Just remember everything take practice. Only a follow people are natural born leaders. The rest of us have to learn from mistakes to become a great leader. Don't believe for one second that you can never become a great leader. 80% of leadership is how you present yourself and act. Think and act like a leader and the rest will follow.
Inability to organize details
The first mistake is the inability to organize details. This is one of the most common mistake a leader can make. You must be very organized as a leader. Organization will allow you to schedule events and foresee possible problems. Also a leader that is too busy is not a true leader. A leader should never be to busy to help others.
Unwillingness to render humble services
Some leaders think and feel they are better then the people that follow them. They feel since they have moved into a leadership role that some tasks are below them. That there are some tasks they shouldn't have to perform anymore. A true leader will lead by example. They are not afraid to role up their sleeves and offer some elbow grease. When a situation gets tough and no one want to perform it. This is when a lead should take the reins and show their follows that no one is above the law. They are there to help them get through it. Whether by manual labor or mental brainstorming.
Expectation of pay for what they know
Avoiding this mistake will make the difference whether your business succeeds or fails. Leaders that feel they should get paid for what they know, instead of what they do are destined to fail. The world may start off paying you for what you know. However after the beginning if you don't perform that pay will be cut. In network marketing the great leaders get paid a lot of money for what they do. You have to take action in order to have longevity in that industry. Otherwise you will never make it off the ground.
Fear of competition from followers
The fastest way to grow your network marketing business is to help others achieve their goals. When you help others make a check, your check will get bigger. Ii is easier to have 100 people doing 30% of the work. Then it is for you to do 100% by yourself. So if you're always worried that one of your followers will by pass you in rank or pay. You will never achieve your goals.
Lack of Imagination
An imagination is crucial to entrepreneurs especially leaders. Without this trait, leaders will not be able to effectively handle emergencies as they pop up. They will also lack the creative planning to efficiently guide there followers.
There is no greater feeling then being noticed and honored for the hard work you have done. One of the quickest ways to create distrust and discernment in your followers is to except all of the praise. Whether you deserve it or not. Great leaders will always give the credit to his followers. Whether it was because of him or not. Always giving the credit to your followers will strengthen the trust and subconsciously make then want to work harder for you.
Every leader will have chinks in their armor at some period in their leadership. However one chink you want to straighten out quickly would be disloyalty. A disloyal leader will create distrust issues amongst the team. Disloyal leader rarely create longevity, let alone wealth.
Emphasis of the authority of leadership
A great leader will lead with encouragement, not with fear. As a leader you never want to use your authority to impress your followers. A leader that leads with fear and impressing flare is leading by force. Throughout history such dictators like Hitler, Napoleon, and Stalin led by force. We all know want happen to them! Real leaders need not advertise there authority. They lead through their conduct of understanding, fairness, and know how.
Emphasis of title
Real leaders don't need a title to feel empowered and respected by others. Titles have a tendency to separate people by stator. A leader should always be accessible to anyone at anytime. Great leaders always have an open door policy and they check their ego's at the door. Leaders that emphasis their title have nothing else to show for.
So these are the 9 ways you can fail at leadership. You only need to be bad at one to invoke failure. Just remember everything take practice. Only a follow people are natural born leaders. The rest of us have to learn from mistakes to become a great leader. Don't believe for one second that you can never become a great leader. 80% of leadership is how you present yourself and act. Think and act like a leader and the rest will follow.
Leadership Development - The Easiest Way to Overcome Adversity
Have you found that leadership development requires you to be able to deal with difficult people sometimes? In a perfect world, there would be no such people and you could focus on the more important aspects of leading such as building your vision and connecting with the people who can truly become a part of making it a reality. Ah, wouldn't that be nice? Ok, back to the real world. So how do we deal with adversity as leaders and perhaps even use it to our advantage? Well, surely there are no quick fixes in regard to leadership development; however there is an easy method which you can use to deal with difficult people.
The first is that the difficult person who you are dealing with is most likely someone who you cannot fire or get rid of. That would be easy and would not require any leadership development training or conflict management skills. However, since it is someone you have to deal with there is one thing which you will want to keep in mind as you are resolving an issue with them: That person has value to your organization in some way. That is the first thing that you want to focus on, you'll see why in a second.
The next thing which you do is address their behavior instead of attacking them and let them know why the negative behavior bothers you. This means that you point out what kind of consequences are likely to occur as a result of the behavior. What you have to realize is that every behavior has some kind of a positive motivation, maybe an emotional need which this person is trying to fulfill. The problem is that most of the time people have come to believe that the only way for them to get what they want is with some ridiculous or negative behavior. This is to your advantage because if you get them to look at the true consequences then you can get them to make a different choice.
People will often defend a negative behavior because of the needs which they are trying to fulfill in doing it. You will not win by fighting that battle; they are ready for you with their boxing gloves on. Instead, get them to consider the true consequences. This is usually quick to sober people up since most of the time when someone is doing something destructive or hurtful to others they are not thinking about the true consequences.
Telling someone what your concerns are also gets them out of the defense mode and into the problem solving mode with you. It is a total win win. Once you have addressed this, suggest an alternative and again let them know what you feel that the positive consequence of that choice may be. This changes their focus to the solution based thinking and makes them less likely to defend the behavior. Finally let them know WHY you would like to see the change: because you value them as a part of your organization or team.
While this may take some practice, making it a part of your personal leadership development and practicing it until it becomes a habit will bring you much success in dealing with adversity.
The first is that the difficult person who you are dealing with is most likely someone who you cannot fire or get rid of. That would be easy and would not require any leadership development training or conflict management skills. However, since it is someone you have to deal with there is one thing which you will want to keep in mind as you are resolving an issue with them: That person has value to your organization in some way. That is the first thing that you want to focus on, you'll see why in a second.
The next thing which you do is address their behavior instead of attacking them and let them know why the negative behavior bothers you. This means that you point out what kind of consequences are likely to occur as a result of the behavior. What you have to realize is that every behavior has some kind of a positive motivation, maybe an emotional need which this person is trying to fulfill. The problem is that most of the time people have come to believe that the only way for them to get what they want is with some ridiculous or negative behavior. This is to your advantage because if you get them to look at the true consequences then you can get them to make a different choice.
People will often defend a negative behavior because of the needs which they are trying to fulfill in doing it. You will not win by fighting that battle; they are ready for you with their boxing gloves on. Instead, get them to consider the true consequences. This is usually quick to sober people up since most of the time when someone is doing something destructive or hurtful to others they are not thinking about the true consequences.
Telling someone what your concerns are also gets them out of the defense mode and into the problem solving mode with you. It is a total win win. Once you have addressed this, suggest an alternative and again let them know what you feel that the positive consequence of that choice may be. This changes their focus to the solution based thinking and makes them less likely to defend the behavior. Finally let them know WHY you would like to see the change: because you value them as a part of your organization or team.
While this may take some practice, making it a part of your personal leadership development and practicing it until it becomes a habit will bring you much success in dealing with adversity.
Ten Qualities of a Good Leader
It is a moot issue whether leaders are born or created but one thing is clear that there are certain character traits which help an individual to become a great leader. The last century has witnessed some of the greatest of all world leaders. These leaders have always shaped our society in past and will help to shape our future also. A great leader is always a boon to society.
What all it takes to become a good leader? Here are ten qualities which can make an individual a good leader.
1. A leader should be Commendable and Exemplary. A good leader should be trustworthy so that people can follow him. He/she should live his life with honesty and integrity. He/she should live a life such that nobody can question his character.
2. A good leader is always enthusiastic about the cause of the people. He/she must have the capability to see what is good or bad for the people in the long run. He/she approaches a problem in a holistic manner and never believes himself/herself different from his people and subject.
3. A leader believes in discipline. He/she follows an orderly manner and routine but still he/she is tolerant. He/she takes decision keeping emotions and personal matters aside.
4. A leader has excellent logical and analytical skills. He/she looks each and every aspects of the situation before arriving to any decision and never loses his/her temper in difficult situations. He/she should think positively in each and every situation.
5. A leader should always focus towards his goals, what he/she has envisioned for and promised to his people. He/she should take each and every decision keeping in mind the people and his subject.
6. A great leader is proactive and committed to excellence. He always maintains high standard and acts as an idol for his/her followers. His/her personal and public life both are remarkable and stain free.
7. A leader inspires his team to achieve target and lead them to success. He/she brings best out of them in the time of crisis also.
8. A good leader is the one who can give people voice and direction.
9. A leader should be tolerant of uncertainty and should always remain tranquil, composed and persistent to his/her goals.
10. A good leader always keeps a cool head in times of crises and finds solutions to get everybody out of any difficult situation.
Some qualities discussed above are naturally present in individuals, right from the time of birth and some others are developed with experiences. The characteristics discussed can be strengthened and developed to become a good leader.
What all it takes to become a good leader? Here are ten qualities which can make an individual a good leader.
1. A leader should be Commendable and Exemplary. A good leader should be trustworthy so that people can follow him. He/she should live his life with honesty and integrity. He/she should live a life such that nobody can question his character.
2. A good leader is always enthusiastic about the cause of the people. He/she must have the capability to see what is good or bad for the people in the long run. He/she approaches a problem in a holistic manner and never believes himself/herself different from his people and subject.
3. A leader believes in discipline. He/she follows an orderly manner and routine but still he/she is tolerant. He/she takes decision keeping emotions and personal matters aside.
4. A leader has excellent logical and analytical skills. He/she looks each and every aspects of the situation before arriving to any decision and never loses his/her temper in difficult situations. He/she should think positively in each and every situation.
5. A leader should always focus towards his goals, what he/she has envisioned for and promised to his people. He/she should take each and every decision keeping in mind the people and his subject.
6. A great leader is proactive and committed to excellence. He always maintains high standard and acts as an idol for his/her followers. His/her personal and public life both are remarkable and stain free.
7. A leader inspires his team to achieve target and lead them to success. He/she brings best out of them in the time of crisis also.
8. A good leader is the one who can give people voice and direction.
9. A leader should be tolerant of uncertainty and should always remain tranquil, composed and persistent to his/her goals.
10. A good leader always keeps a cool head in times of crises and finds solutions to get everybody out of any difficult situation.
Some qualities discussed above are naturally present in individuals, right from the time of birth and some others are developed with experiences. The characteristics discussed can be strengthened and developed to become a good leader.
Why is Leadership So Important?
You may have heard this as a kid, "there are leaders and there are followers." As a kid it probably didn't mean much, but think about it now as an adult. Is this true? Why or why not?
The fact of the matter is that the statement is true for the most part. Think about it for a second. Think about your job. Think about your family. Think about your relationships. There most absolutely are leaders and followers in all of those areas of your life.
Which one are you? Is this a choice that you make, or does it just occur?
Some people are born leaders and some followers, but everyone has the ability to be either one or the other.
Which one would you choose? Why?
Look at some famous people. Movie stars, comics, politicians, athletes, scientists, teachers. Do you think that these people have leadership qualities? Even those an athlete may have very strong legs, or this politician has a Harvard degree, or this comic is naturally funny they all still have leadership qualities that got them to where they are today.
Qualities such as persistence, dedication, drive, ambition, courage and mental fortitude. These people did what others would not. They took the steps. They made their own moves.
Think about some of your friends. Are any of these people leaders?
Are you a leader? Or are you a follower?
Well whatever your answer is you have a choice. If you are a follower then you absolutely have the choice to change into a leader. It will be tough though. You will have to come out of your comfort zone.
The highest paid people in the world are leaders without a doubt. Their income is a direct reflection of the value they hold and give back to the world.
So is it clear yet why leadership is so important in life?
If you are in a situation right now and want something more, or something better, chances are that you will have to become a leader. You will have to do what others aren't doing. You will have to say goodbye to status quo and do what matters most.
Watch his eyes when he talks. That’s happiness at work right there.
Are you as passionate about your job? Do you know as much about your products/field? Do you care as deeply about making your customers happy and helping them make good choices? Are you as free to do things your way, rather than do what everyone else does?
If you are – kudos! I bet you’re happy at work.
If not, I humbly submit to you that you are wasting your work life.
This level of happiness at work is not reserved for a few special individuals who luck into the right career or the right genetic makeup for happiness. Anyone can get it. Anyone!
And it’s not just that you could. You should.
How to Feel Happy at Work 7 Secrets of a "Thank God It's Monday" Workplace
by Roxanne Emmerich
What accounts for the difference between "Oh crap, it's Monday" and "Thank God it's Monday"? It's your happiness. And, for your own emotional and mental health, you need to feel happy at work.
It all boils down to seven habits that can change everything about the culture of your workplace.
1. Show up fully and commit with all your heart
At work, we think of home. At home, we think of work. Time to stop that. The first step toward a TGIM workplace is being present and accounted for at work. Thinking about being elsewhere leads to resenting where you are. While you are at work, commit to work with all your heart. This is what I call throwing your heart over the bar--committing 100 percent to the moment and task before you.
2. Communicate clearly
Use powerful and positive language about what you will do and the attitude you expect from others. If a TGIM workplace is your goal, take the time to make your communications clear on every level.
3. Go beyond the job description
Going beyond the job description happens when you pitch in and help others at work without expecting reward. Willingly share the load. If you're caught up on your tasks, help someone else who is crunching for a deadline. Instead of feeling like it's an extra burden, you will actually feel like you play a bigger role in your company than you ever did before.
4. Don't tolerate dysfunctional behaviors
Establish a zero-tolerance policy for talking behind another person's back. Then give each other permission to address conflict head-on, out loud, courageously and honestly. Create a trusting and open environment and watch the dysfunction ebb away.
5. Clean up your messes
Relationships are built on trust. Without that foundation, there is no basis for a relationship. We breach the trust each time we don't do what we said we would do. But here's the thing--that breach can be healed quickly IF you come back and clean up the mess. Acknowledge that the results are not okay then make a commitment to make things right and prevent a recurrence.
6. Live a life of profound service
Once you place yourself in the service of those around you--your family, your colleagues and your customers--every moment becomes imbued with purpose and significance. You will feel GOOD.
As you drive to work, begin thinking about how the work you do is serving others and contributing to their success and happiness. This is the essence of true service, and the key to a workplace that draws you happily back, Monday after Monday after Monday.
7. Celebrate
Every project consists of little steps and little victories along the way. Recognize and celebrate them in both large and small ways. Build a system of celebrations and rewards--quarterly, weekly, daily--and follow through like your company's life depends on it. Because, (psst) it does.
Acquire these seven habits and spread them through your workplace. Then be sure to notice the first Monday your hand reaches for the alarm--and you smile. You can love your job and feel happy at work if you follow these 7 secrets.
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