Power Method #2) Chunking


The second reason why people don’t take action on what they want to achieve TOO BIG inside of their head.  Often a simple goal like going to the gym to work out becomes a number of PAINFUL things. 
1. I have to go get the keys to my car. 
2. I have to put my work out clothes on, and iron them because they’re all wrinkly. 
3. I gotta go to my car and drive there through traffic. 
4. Once I get there they’ll make me sign up for a membership. 
5. Once I am signed up they’ll give me a 2 hour tour of the place and try to upsell
me even more membership options which I don’t want!
6. Then I gotta work out for an hour, and I’ll get all sweaty. 
7. I have to drive home with all that sweat on me. 
8. Once I’m home I’ll have to shower, and by then I’ll have no time to do anything else! 

         “Forget it! I’m watching TV!
Going to the gym is too complicated and too painful”  Chunking, and the Rule of 3s  Our conscious mind can usually hold only a number of things to do at once.  Whenever there is more things to do than the conscious mind can handle, we feel overwhelmed and stop everything completely.
What I realized after a while is that nothing is really as big as we make it out to be. We just have a habit to make things bigger than they are.
The above gym example could be brought down to three simple steps: 

1. Go to the gym 
2. Work out 
3. Feel great and energized!
Whenever you find yourself feeling blocked or procrastinating, think of the way you are chunking down the goal into steps?  Are you thinking of ALL the things you have to do, and how PAINFUL they will be?  If you are, chunk them down into 3 steps.  As you focus on these steps, you’ll find you’ll feel much more balanced and relaxed about the goal!


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