Power Method #3) State Management

“I’m not in the mood today, I’ll do it tomorrow.” 
“I really don’t FEEL like doing that right now.” 
Have you ever heard someone say these things?  Perhaps you say them to yourself on a regular basis?  The bottom line is that if you wait around to feel in the right mood or emotional state to do something, it’s most likely never going to happen.  99% of people in the world have no control over how the feel.  They either wake up happy, or they don’t.  They have a “bad day” or a “good day.” To these kinds of people it seems that the way we feel is some kind of mystical enigmatic force that we have no control over.  Part of success is being able take ACTION despite FEAR, PAIN, and UNCOMFORT.  Taking action even when you’re not in the friggen moooooooooooooooooood.(*whiny voice*)  Instead of waiting for an emotional state to come to you, use state management methods to create the emotional state you need to achieve your goals. 

Super-Charging Your Emotional State  Your emotions are dependent on 2 primary factors: 

1) What you focus on
2) What you do with your body

1. Changing Your Focus  Example: Jill’s goal is to lose 50 lbs, after a week of working out 3 times per week and changing her eating habits, she steps on the scale and notices that she only lost 1 lb.  Feeling like she isn’t moving towards her goal fast enough, she instantly begins to feel disappointed and discouraged about continuing her quest to lose weight.
“Don’t let the present moment determine your outcome!”  

One of the biggest secrets of success I’ve learned over time is that the current moment has nothing to do with your outcome!  Often we get caught up with a depressing situation, we focus on it to the point where the emotions get strong enough to stop us.  At this point, instead of focusing on what seems like a failure to Jill, she could change her focus to the actual OUTCOME she wants.  
Which is feeling great, sexy and attractive.  Feeling free and healthy. As you change your focus in critical times that would usually stop you emotionally, you create incredible power to move despite discomfort!.  
2. Using Your Body to Create Energy! 

 Changing your focus is just “positive thinking”, until you add this method into your state management arsenal.  The fastest and easiest way to create an emotional state shift in your mind, and to give your body the energy it needs to propel you to your goals, is to make a drastic change in what you’re doing with your body.  You’ve got to move fast, you’ve got to get your heart rate going, and you’ve got to make it impact! 


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